Tuesday, December 03, 2013

It's Hard To Take Them Seriously

I have been terrorized by soi-disant scientists and experts forever...
I remember the Chicken Littles doomshouting acid rain and the greenhouse effect when I was a kid...
I remember the same oh-so-educated crowd with their knickers in a twist about the Gulf War in 1990... "If we invade, Hussein will blow up all the oil wells and the ensuing oil smoke from burning oil will blackout the entire planet, and it will take DECADES to put them all out!"
We did, they did, and it didn't.

So I really have no confidence in the Big Brains, especially when they claim "The science is settled." about anything...

Get your Google/Bing/FavSearchEngine on and search the phrase
"Scientists are puzzled" and "Scientists are baffled"...

Because that phrase is used waaaay too often about people that consider themselves (as a community) infallible and are directing the spending of a huge portion of American $$$.



1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Yep, on the money (well THEIR money)...