Friday, July 30, 2010

Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

Business as usual in teh Urkel Administraton.
If you can't legislate it legally, find a way to sneak it through the process, regardless of how much people are against the measure.

Obamacare and the cloture motions, recess appointments to avoid confirmation hearings...
Here's yet another effort to subvert the process...

Memo outlines backdoor 'amnesty' plan
via WaTimes

With Congress gridlocked on an immigration bill, the Obama administration is considering using a back door to stop deporting many illegal immigrants - what a draft government memo said could be "a non-legislative version of amnesty."
 So much for established process and our system of checks and balances.
 I guess he'll disband the House and Senate next and just legislate everything by fiat...
And since he is the Lightbringer and knows what is best for everyone, he'll just do away with elections since we won't need those any more either...

(And by-the-way, TRav- before you start yammering about "Bush did it too..." just Up the Fuck Shut, DamnYankee. When your boy campaigns on a platform of "no more business as usual" and  "most ethical and transparent Administration evar", you are not allowed to use the schoolyard tit-for-tat excuse. Just sayin'.)



T-Rav said...

Dude, he was just on the View... how more transparent can you get?
And how dumb were you to believe that things would be any different. Even Obama supporters like me knew things wouldn't be different. Remember Bush's compassionate conservatism? Yea, that really worked out for him. Although I have to concede that he was in office 4 more years than Obama will likely be.

The Big Guy said...

You, Sir, are a dumbass.

I refuse to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed man.


Dixie said...

Even Obama supporters like me knew things wouldn't be different.

You voted for a guy whose sole selling point was "HOPE AND CHANGE"... knowing there wouldn't be any of either? So, you admit to being an accessory to fraud, then?